Wide temperature range: -15°C to 65°C

E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor’s operating temperature range is between -15°C to 65°C, which allows it to operate in extremely cold or hot areas without the need for expensive, high-energy-consuming heating or cooling devices, reducing additional power consumption.
E Ink Kaleido 3 is good to used as Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising signage and is suitable for outdoor use in varying temperature ranges. It offers dynamic color display capabilities, poster-like visual quality, and a low-carbon and eco-friendly display solution.
Many European countries are facing an energy crisis and new regulations have been put in place to limit the operating hours of digital signage. However, E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor uses very little power, and can even run on renewable energy from solar panels, without relying on electricity from the grid. That means it can replace energy-hungry digital signage and conform to the new restrictions. When used for outdoor information displays, E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor color ePaper allows for quick and easy updates of information. It's much more functional and environmentally friendly than traditional paper posters and display boards.